20 comentarios

  1. flatearthlogic dot net

    Facebook trying to stop people from waking up. Keep going parler.

  2. Infinity Searcher

    Parler was the place where men or family could sit down and talk – from the French 'parle'

  3. Infinity Searcher

    That girlie wants mommy to tell her what is correct. Will she grow up to have a mind of her own?

  4. Navit

    Twitter, FB, Google:"If you dont like our rules you can leave."
    People: "Ok. We will move to Parler."
    Twitter, FB, Apple, Google: "Wait that's illegal".

  5. Dagmar Van Doren

    This has to go. This is hate speech. The reps. The dems. The the hate. Blessed are the peace makers. Thats not free speach. This is hate. Lies start wars….lies lies. Ignorance no knowlede of wold history. Sad

  6. Ken Whitman

    Big tech bans free speech Parlor, bring Detroit to its knees, don’t buy their cars and trucks cereal boats and bikes.

  7. Innovation&Beyond

    Omg 😱 people can have their own opinions, that's against the law!

  8. CongressIs StarvingAmericans


    The Righteous Right Has Been Forced To Go To War With Pure Evil Leftists!!!!

  9. Gary Fox

    have found a lot of hookers on Parlor App! Of course I told them all to go there

  10. Arnold Romppai

    seems this video focus is on people only from the usa, yet us in Canada have a deferment roll in Parler.. both face book twitter, you tube bans you, deletes your post/s, as a you tuber it has become a total one side, platform of google and big companies. we need a video site that has the same pay as you tube with out all the bs

  11. Karen Schmocker

    Free speech = misinformation and fake news and Republican fantasy.

  12. Karen Schmocker

    Hey, if all of Trump lovers move to this box, the rest of us on Facebook and Twitter can start actually enjoying life without the crazy.

  13. dayyou

    Parler is a safe haven for people have been banned from traditional social media for having extremist/radical/racist/nationalist/xenophobic ideologies. Its a perfect breeding ground for degeneracy.

  14. Hannah Colon

    People need to realize it’s our job to believe what we believe. It’s not someone else’s. So even if false information is going around, who cares. We are adults and can filter bad info. The other groups trying to control all thoughts, who is their fact checkers? Cause honestly it’s just someone else’s opinion on what is most important and what should be pushed forward…

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