What is crowdfunding?

What is crowdfunding?
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What is crowdfunding?

A video highlighting the definition of crowdfunding and the aspects of what actually makes something a crowdfunding campaign (compared to sales/fundraising) as well as a surprising example of something well known you may not have known was crowdfunded.

For more information about the topic of crowdfunding and how to run a successful crowdfunding campaign visit: www.crowdfund-360.com

What makes a great crowdfunding campaign? What do super backers look for? Why do people support crowdfunding campaigns? Why is your audience so important to your crowdfunding campaign?

Vesna loves crowdfunding almost as much as I do. She has backed over 200 crowdfunding campaign son Kickstarter and Indiegogo and in this chat she talks about what she looks for in a campaign and why she backs them. She gives fascinating insight into the mind of a backer and this is an essential watch if you’re thinking about crowdfunding.

This is an inspiring story of how:
– you can make your campaign stand out
– what entices backers to give
– putting your audience first is key to success
– leading with empathy works

To get extra help on your crowdfunding campaign contact us via our website: www.crowdfund-360.com

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