Upcoming Crowdfunding Week of October 11 + Campaign Updates!

Upcoming Crowdfunding Week of October 11 + Campaign Updates!
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Upcoming Crowdfunding Week of October 11 + Campaign Updates!

I love talking about board games and of course this is no different! Well maybe slightly today. Starting with campaign updates from a few big crowdfunding games but then going into the main course of the stuff launching in the next week!

Thanks for watching!

Please send media inquiries to cmeeusen@gmail.com
Support me on Patreon for ? https://bit.ly/3soIpV2
Subscribe to my channel https://bit.ly/2GsSGM8

Time Stamp:
Upcoming Games
06:11 – Wonderlands War
07:33 – Wander LaClucks Revenge
09:26 – Life of Amazonia
– Mosaic Wars & Disasters
13:50 – Deep Madness Madness Reborn Expansion & Reprint
17:23 – Deep Shelf
18:37 – Roll to the Top
20:44 – In the Heart of Darkness

21:18 – Upcoming Videos, Thoughts, Poll, + New Patreon Incentive?
24:10 – Story Time x2

Wonderlands War – https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/227935/wonderlands-war
Roll to the Top – https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/370193/roll-top
Deep Shelf – https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/313835/deep-shelf
Life of Amazonia – https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/368305/life-amazonia
Mosaic War and Disasters – https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgameexpansion/371704/mosaic-wars-and-disasters
Wander LaClucks Revenge – https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/371643/wander-laclucks-revenge
Deep Madness – https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/202077/deep-madness
Deep Madness Preview Page – https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/diemensiongames/904634402?ref=bggforums&token=ad96cb9f&fbclid=IwAR2OEi9pHnoPTA9BkD18WmFP5wgkKLY-AkccAj6wq5BQkGJvdvIpRZIJDeo
7th Sea City of Five Sails – https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/367584/7th-sea-city-five-sails
In the Heart of Darkness – https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/367575/heart-darkness

#LiegeOfGames #boardgames #crowdfunding #gamefound #kickstarter
Video Rating: / 5

(Info and english link below)
Nous travaillons sur le projet Ghostbusters – Ukulele de los Muertos, un clip vidéo contenant une partie fiction d’une durée totale d’environ 10 minutes. Le tournage devrait avoir lieu au printemps 2023 pour une sortie à l’horizon de l’été. C’est un projet ambitieux et nous avons besoin de votre soutien via un crowdfunding.

Lien crowdfunding : https://cutt.ly/SMo8Lqx

Synopsis :
Sancho y Diego ont rendez-vous avec un Producteur. Lors de la rencontre avec ce personnage véreux, ils sont propulsés sur scène dans un concert étrange du Día de los Muertos. Apeurés par l’ambiance qui se dégrade alors qu’ils jouent, ils s’enfuient et sont poursuivis par le public survolté. La fête initiale se transforme en course-poursuite loufoque et déjantée. Mais comment Sancho et Diego vont-ils se sortir de ce cauchemar ?


We’re working on Ghostbusters – Ukulele de los Muertos, a 10 minutes music video with fiction inside. Filming is scheduled for early 2023 for a summer release. This is an ambitious project and we are asking your support through a crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding link : https://cutt.ly/OMcUpVo

Synopsis :
Sancho y Diego have an appointment with a Producer. During the meeting with this crooked character, they are propelled on stage in a strange concert of Día de los Muertos. Frightened by the atmosphere which deteriorates as they play, they flee and are pursued by the excited audience. The initial party turns into a wacky and crazy chase. But how will Sancho and Diego get out of this nightmare?

Réalisation : Elixir – Agitation Visuelle
Graphisme : Les Produits de l’Épicerie

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22 comentarios

  1. nanorider426

    8:05 I think they have made a caricature of the names of the computer game Monkey Island 1 and 2.
    Keep telling more kid stories. Batteries….that was gold! 😆

  2. Darren Woodman

    Yes I would like to see a dedicated Tainted Grail video

  3. Terrence Miltner

    -8- If you are unloading and want to let your patrons in early, that would be a cool perk. I have dodges CDMD twice now hopefully I can resist the third campaign.

  4. Michael Mueller

    Bi-weekly news vids seem about right to me. If something huge or time sensitive pops up, you can always put something out in between. Keep up the great work Chris!

  5. jankenmaster2508

    Dear Chris, I don't need a weekly news video. I really like that you often touch small campaigns and I really encourage you to continue that.

  6. steve

    Massive darkness 2 you need. That was a major improvement from the first one. Plus both games can mix and match.

  7. Michael Mueller

    Comparing Awaken Realms to CMON isn't even close. The Tainted Grail expansions are big, well designed, and contain tons of extra gameplay…not just a bunch of extra characters and toys that are just being pledge locked. AW has exponentially better customer service and support, charge half of what CMON does for shipping, and for the past 4 or 5 years, have far surpassed CMON in component quality…including minis. The way the two companies operate is night and day, so your comparison at the start was a little cringeworthy.

  8. Mepper

    I'm not planning on backing anything next week. When the 18th rolls around things may change.

  9. Noahshu

    At this point I’m done with crowd funding games . Over priced shipping a rip off . It’s overwhelming with all the games coming out just saturated like video game . I will most likely back maybe 1 or 2 games over the next year . As a super backer with 230 projects I’m burnt out .

  10. Haxan 666

    Good call on Tainted Grail. I have looked at my considerable TG collection, most of which is unopened and decided that I have enough for this lifetime! As I have mentioned elsewhere, I love the art and the theme but I am finding it hard to love the game and I have a lot of other games that engage me without the effort.
    Almost certainly backing Wonderlands War. Looks great and appears to have the gameplay to match.
    I am a huge horror fan and used to own Deep Madness, with a few expansions (that I never played). It was punishing and not much fun. I won't be getting it back. I am also unlikely to get Cthulhu Death May Die back in my collection, not because it wasn't good but because I had played the scenarios in the first box, painted everything and then decided I wasn't likely to play it again. Sold it with extras and the second box.

  11. Chris the Writer

    I've been testing a prototype of Life of Amazonia. I think it's a lot of fun and somewhat unique. Bad Comet Games also delivered months early on Wild: Serengeti during the supply chain crisis. It's one to take a look at. It certainly won't sell for $30 at retail.

  12. Shawn Marx

    I got out first play of Mosaic in yesterday. It’s really good, but it’s not well designed for two players. I think 4 or more is the sweet spot – and should be faster than with 2. I feel the teach could probably be easy as the basics can be taught fast then reiterate the nuances while playing since there are so many actions to take. This is much more accessible than Through the Ages. Biggest downsides – SETUP OMG. Also, I got the Sphinx which is only a bit better than retail (double layer) – I can’t imagine wanting the minis for this with the expensive version.

  13. Dark Spoon

    My worry with Diemension Games, is that they are having to produce Deep Madness as their other game, Dawn of Madness is years away from fulfilling, they haven’t even finished the 1st wave of the game, let alone wave 2. They need more money to continue is my guess. I think they are robbing Peter to pay Paul, similar to Mythic Games and others.

  14. tyler pearson

    a news video every 7 or 8 days might be a lot, every other week might be a better cadence. +1 for culls to patreon 🙂

  15. J.J. The Great

    9:00 As you can probably guess, based on one of my previous comments along this video, I have zero interest in that type of game. (Also, I doubt I would have interest in a game like Dice Throne, as well).

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