Tony Robbins: Habits That Will Change Your Life ( Tony Robbins Motivation )

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Tony Robbins: Habits That Will Change Your Life ( Tony Robbins Motivation )

Welcome to Happy Facts Lifestyle for another Motivation Monday in 2019 with Tony Robbins. Today, in this YouTube video, we look at how to take control to change your life for the better. Whether it be you’re struggling with depression, or want to change your circumstances, in this video Tony Robbins helps you change your life by taking control as we hear about habits that can help improve the quality of life.

In this video / interview, we also hear a speech from him to help us get the most out of life.

How to Develop Daily Habits

As tempting as it is to try and change more than one habit at a time to reach your goals more quickly, the opposite is true. Doing poorly with one habit will have a domino effect on the habits you’re doing well with. The house of cards will topple over and the level of discouragement you’ll feel will make it that much harder to get back on your feet.

Here’s the habit-building process that’s working for me:

Focus on building one habit per month.

Don’t give yourself a deadline: Some daily habits will be easier to build than others, and it doesn’t matter how long it takes to build the habit, as long as you build it.

Commit fully and don’t back down.

Go easy on yourself if you stumble. Instead of getting angry with yourself, use it as a learning experience. Figure out what caused you to stumble, deal with any external influences causing you problems, and try again.

Each time you hit a milestone—one week, one month, six months, etc.—reward yourself in some way. How is completely up to you.

Once you’re able to complete the habit without having to think about it, it’s time to move onto establishing your next habit.

Tony Robbins is a motivational speaker, self help author writing numerous books and audiobooks and runs seminars for his legion of supporters to help make the most of life.

Check out more Tony Robbins self help here:

Or if you want more Motivation Monday, check it out here:


#PracticalInspiration #TonyRobbins #MotivationMonday

Music – Secession Studios

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20 comentarios

  1. Gareth Bretton

    when you need some more entertaining gym vlogs, i got you cause this was great! keep it up

  2. COJ Island

    Another great motivationl share 👍👍 Tfs ✌💚☕

  3. M & A TV Uk

    Nice video👍, New friend here to support u.I just subscribed #1562. pls support my channel too. Thanks.😊👍  M &A TV UK

  4. Autism IS

    Love, LOVE Tony Robbins! Perfect share, perfect message and at the Perfect time! I NEEDED To hear this and I almost think this was Just for ME today! 😍😍😍 I need Crisis management and learn to do the things that i can do to keep myself on task, form good habits, make good choices and learn from past mistakes by changing my choices and make better ones than continue to make the same choices. I'm not Lindsay Lohan but I am very aware of seeing bad decisions and where people go wrong, i see it in other people just like he said….so this needs to Stick with ME!! So again Ty for this post and I did jot down the 5 steps for changing…. Number 1.) That is ME!!! 😨😅😱😂😂😂

  5. Actors Monologues

    Don’t ever stop putting these out there 🍀🍀🍀

  6. Nasir Lama

    Nice dear friend
    Like 37
    Hope you back do the same plz

  7. Jace Jacobs

    ✋🏼👊🏼😀❤️ Love Tony! Thank you my friend. 🙏☮️

  8. Creating A Simpler Life Off Grid

    My daughter and her husband love him! They just got back from one of his workshops in Florida last week! So interesting that they were talking nonstop about their experience and now I run into this! Thanks for sharing ❤️

  9. she's on top

    This is not on topic, but as a fellow entrepreneur congratulations on your subscriber growth and engagement. You're dong a brilliant job!

  10. Chase The Vase

    I personally am a bit overweight because I’m big boned
    But I get what he’s trying to say

  11. Chase The Vase

    “Whatever gets rewarded gets reinforced”

    This is so true

    My friend wrote a blog post that talked about this exactly

    He said that if every time you broke a water glass you got a million dollars, you would break every glass you owned. And then you would go out to buy more and break those too

  12. Chase The Vase

    I like the Tony Robbins videos

    I don’t listen to Tony Robbins by myself so when you post these videos I actually get to 🙂 I appreciate you finding the great highlights!!

  13. M.A.G. Visions

    Yes we have the power to choose love that yes progress that does make me happy love this positive inspiring message thank you

  14. My Poetic Voice

    Great ❤️ thankyou for sharing! Big like 30

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