How To REPROGRAM Your Mind To Break ANY ADDICTION In 9 Days! | Dr. Joe Dispenza

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19 comentarios

  1. nicolas amaral costa gonçalves

    holy holy holy, im mega greatfull for this interview

  2. MAMZ10

    I found this very inspiring ..beautifully explained bless you for your guidance

  3. Christine Rivera

    I love what you have to say but I wish you would say it in a simpler way to understand more clearly 🌺❤️🌺

  4. Ben Swanson

    Ten years ago I was diagnosed with early onset parkinson's at 33. Since then, I have read and re-read Dr. Dispenza's four books as well as the Ramtha white book he references in his first book. I have spent thousands of hours meditating using his guided meditations. While there have been improvements, the cure has still eluded me. Today I learned that I have been doing it wrong. LOL. Thank you Dr. Chatterjee for asking him a question that has been missed by so many other interviewers. He gets into his think box before he meditates. Fantastic!

  5. Silly Me

    Wow, guys this is amazing. I'm working on it. I'm gonna need to. I'm working on it. How embarrassing…

    I don't have a lot of time, otherwise this thing would be a whole, entire book… But… my dad wasn't overbearing??? 🤷‍♀️ I didn't even get a chance to spend enough time to find out! 🥲
    All I can tell you is, I'm a lot like my dad, my dad is a lot like me. We're both incredibly patient people.

    When I get a chance I'll get on Instagram and check up on Nicki Minaj. I might have to download it first, if I'm allowed. I'm kinda assuming, she caught up on her history? IDK. 🤷‍♀️

    Looks like I'm gonna have more people to love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜😡💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

    Thank you so, so much, kind Sires!!!!!

    😡 = I'm just wondering, YeZeus fucking Christ ! How many of you are out there??!! 🤭

  6. Chad Noel

    As soon as you are born and cut from the cord of your mother. We are programmed on the teet for the mothers milk and when we yearn for more , we then supplied more.
    This thing we happen to call addictions is by far , normal as the sun coming up and going down daily.
    We are like any other thing on the planet; needs of keeping sustainable. Cancer cells are no different then a human subject. It’s the way we are brought up and what society has written to be the popular choice to live

  7. Maria C

    14:14 elevated emotions=heart coherence
    26:11 phones – everything known
    33:06 how to unlearn
    36:11 watching from outside to stop the program – no fail, you learn from mistake
    38:26 think box: to assign meaning to the act (of meditation) _ assigning meaning turn on prefrontal cortex 41:00
    46:33 out of the victim role
    50:56 instead of quitting, be curious
    53:25 trauma and the new – not excuse your change
    59:17 what's on the other side of this emotion? Reconditioning the mind like training an animal
    01:02:00 forgive as you want to be forgiven
    01:04:48 using the situation to reaffirm the addiction to that emotion
    1:14:26 you get good in what you practice
    1:17:20 what happened there?
    1:21:52 write it down!

  8. Ga Dawgz

    Tryna quit these fucking cigarettes. My children deserve a better me.

  9. Bonnie Klapel

    I’ve just had the biggest AH HA! moment of my life. I’ve heard Dr. Joe on different podcasts over the past 2 1/2 years and I finally really understand how to rewire my brain. I couldn’t get it before but I think because I’ve been in therapy for two and a half years with a really good and intuitive therapist who has walked me through a lot of past trauma and forward into the present and I got a lot of insight into why I’ve become the person I became. However he also helped me to identify triggers and so much more that I don’t think I could have made the connection because I was so programmed by my mind to feel what I felt and to react the way I had. Now I truly understand what Dr. Joe has been saying. I have been able to move beyond blame and beyond being the victim and been able to move into forgiveness. Some moments and some days I do better than others, however the days I do better and the length of time I do better is getting more often and longer. I no longer live every day stuck in the past, in the past emotions. Every day is a new experience. I wouldn’t change anything about the past now. I’m able to forgive people now who I hadn’t been able to forgive for 60 years. And forgiving myself. The hardest one I’ve had to learn to forgive is myself. I did the best I could to get through life with the knowledge and abilities I had. And some days I slip backwards however I’ve learned I can restart my day at any point during the day and I can clean up whatever mess I’ve made and start again.
    I’m the Creator of my day, and of my life.

  10. Crystal A. Place

    Great interview, but this title is not what Dr. Joe said and is disingenuous imho and should be changed. It can hurt someone by thinking they haven’t changed in 9 days. Dr. Joe’s process, and change, is a process, and this title is obviously intended to get clicks – and putting that ahead of the well being of your listeners. I respectfully ask you to reconsider it. Thank you. ♥️🙏🏻

  11. June Williams

    That's immensely powerful and basically this kind of acknowledgement about a way of thinking is such a relief to me because I'm a 25yr iv class a drug addiction and for 20 years it was my only motivation in my life and no outside influence was powerful enough to change that but after I started to wanted to change everything but take drugs and iv done the 12 step program in every way apart from the not using part so created a poisoned way of this theory which has started to work because now I really want and believing I can really do it not using drugs its helping me to understand what is happening in my head and really want to believe I can do to the best of my abilities. Is it normal to want to immediately identify this stuff and want to start this because it's genuinely the most exciting prospect since the day I actually enjoyed using which to me is a life changing moment I just need to do the action . I can do this

  12. Terri Mitchell

    Wonderful information….thank you thank you thank you!!!! ❤💚💜🦋🙌🤲🏻

  13. Mary Murphy

    Fantastic content, so inspiring to me in this moment. Thank you.

  14. Rebecca Bee Coaching

    Thanks for this video! We all need more understanding of how it feels to be in these different brain states. Notes taken! 🙂


    I hope this works for me. Im knocking st the door please let me in.

  16. Filomena Day

    My method focuses on Coherence through the MENA frequency (a proprietary frequency derived from my childhood nickname – Mena)
    My clients master a very simple way to maintain the Magical Elevated Natural Abundance frequency…yeah!!!

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