Andrés Arauz: Ecuador's Presidential Front-Runner on COVID, Austerity & Ending U.S. Interference

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Ecuador’s presidential front-runner says the country is facing a «double crisis» of COVID-19 and austerity. «We need a renewal in our politics,» Andrés Arauz tells Democracy Now! The left-wing economist secured nearly 33% of the vote in the first round of Ecuador’s presidential election on February 7 but fell short of the 40% needed to win outright. He will face right-wing banker Guillermo Lasso or Indigenous candidate Yaku Pérez in a runoff election on April 11, depending on the results of a recount after both candidates secured just over 19% of the vote. Arauz has pledged to end austerity measures imposed by Ecuador’s outgoing right-wing President Lenín Moreno and is close to former President Rafael Correa, who led the country from 2007 to 2017 and has been credited with lifting over a million Ecuadorians out of poverty. Arauz served in Correa’s administration as director of the Central Bank and later as a minister. Arauz says he would seek to work with the Biden administration, if elected, and rejects attempts to interfere in Latin American affairs. «We need to talk about peace, democracy, development as the key issues in Latin America,» says Arauz. «We do not want foreign interference in our region. … We hope the Biden administration will stay away from trying to create division within the region.»


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22 comentarios

  1. Andre D.

    This channel is called democracy now but it promotes Arauz who is Correa’s puppet… the hypocrisy.

  2. Roman Naula

    Andre's you're full of s..t! You know what Correa did to Yasuní you know the strings attached you got with Maduro and the strong relationship your party has with the colombian cartels, so please make yourself a favor and leave us alone, Andres mientes y mientes y siempre mientes otra vez

  3. christianelfulero

    Una pena que nunca se mostró tal y como es durante gran parte en la campaña y por eso fue apodado de "Títere", ¿Mal asesorado?, ¿Lo trataron de moldear a imagen y semejanza de Correa?, pienso que el único momento que se mando un buen discurso fue pasado de las 17h00 del 11 de Abril es decir, ya fuera de campaña y con la derrota. Si piensa en moldear su futuro para un posible candidatura, lo primero debe ser con gente nueva, una verdadera renovación, de que sirve que aparezca personas como Arauz si al final quienes están detrás de él son los mismos de siempre que ya cumplieron tales como los Alvarado, Virgilio Hernández, Ricardo Patiño, Gabriela Rivadeneira, entre otros hasta llegar a Rafael Correa.

  4. Diablo En Corbata

    Soft questions to a social progressive thief. If elected, ex president Correa will not pay for his crimes. Thieves helping thieves.

  5. espin foods

    Este tipo es del grupo de ladrones que hay en ecuador….This running group are criminals …

  6. Jaime Obando

    Peace does not fix the Chaos in Venezuela Mr. ARAUZ you are avoiding the subject •

  7. Jaime Obando

    This Guy supports Socialists in South America • He is useless ●

  8. Jaime Obando

    Arauz supports Venezuela's Socialist government •

  9. Jaime Obando

    Arauz is Maduro's LITTLE COUSIN politically speaking

  10. Jaime Obando

    Arauz is the WORST that could happen to Ecuador

  11. Celeste T

    All Ecuadorian politicians are crooks no matter what political system they run on.

  12. Sofi Kozman

    The IQ of the people that vote for this:
    Arauz: 0% 🤥🤡
    Lasso: 1.000.000% 😎✨
    Nulo: 0.1% 🥴🤪

  13. Gabriela

    During Rafael Correa's presidency, he was appointed as the Director of Ecuador's Central Bank at just 21, making him the youngest Director ever. I wonder how a young kid, with no previous experience, could lead such an institution. It is definitely one of the many Correa's mysterious ways! So sad to see that young politicians are just being used by older mafias that have one interest only. The same socialist views just a different younger puppet. The most successful way to make money in Ecuador is to become a politician, and even more profitable if the politician belongs to Alianza Pais, Correa's Party.
    Please NAME ONE SOCIALIST COUNTRY in which its population has not migrated, asking for asylum, and has a decent GDP, (except China).
    1. Cubans, migrated to the U.S.A, South America, and Europe.
    2. Venezuelans, migrated to the U.S.A, South America, and Europe.
    3. Vietnamese, migrated to the U.S.A.
    Sad but true.

  14. Alicia Bolanos

    Be careful. ANDRES ARAUZ will be a future Dictator. Please save Ecuador.

  15. martha jacho


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