Publicado enFriendly World Young Platform Crowdfunding 2019 Publicado por Por Asesoria 10/03/20221 comentario Compartir en: Our first equity crowdfunding campaign is now live on Seedrs: Invest now! Compartir en: Asesoria Ver todas las entradas Navegación de entradas Entrada anterior Headway App ReviewSiguiente entradaLas 5 Bases De Unas Finanzas Personales Sólidas
BrianITA Responder 10/03/2022, 9:39 AM Hi, I have read that the evaluation of Young Platform is 8.5M but nowhere I find written by whom the evaluation was done and what are the details of this evaluation. Could you give me more details about it? Many thanks & keep pushin'
Hi, I have read that the evaluation of Young Platform is 8.5M but nowhere I find written by whom the evaluation was done and what are the details of this evaluation. Could you give me more details about it?
Many thanks & keep pushin'