Why Marla Maples And Donald Trump Divorced

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After Ivana but before Melania, there was Marla. So why did «The Donald» split up with the small town beauty queen? And did she really cheat on him?! Here’s why Marla Maples and Donald Trump couldn’t make it last.

#MarlaMaples #DonaldTrump #Marriage

Worlds apart | 0:00
Pregnancy clash | 1:32
Building his empire | 2:27
The terms of the prenup | 3:26
Did Marla cheat? | 4:38
«Built on an illusion» | 5:44
The «right time» | 6:32
A combative relationship | 7:20
The NDA | 8:17

Read Full Article: https://www.nickiswift.com/913028/the-real-reason-marla-maples-and-donald-trump-divorced/

DONALD Trump has said the homeless should be ‘put in camps’ as he calls the US a ‘cesspool’ of crime, and executing drug dealers would save thousands of lives.

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40 comentarios

  1. Nicki Swift

    What did you think of Marla Maples and Donald Trump together?

  2. Linda Darling

    Who cares. I have never liked her. You never go after another woman’s husband and the way she did it was disgusting.

  3. Tracy Yan Wu

    Value systems are different. No marriage will last.

  4. Bangor Maine

    Ivana and Melania – class acts. Marla – trashy. End of story.

  5. IDS

    If she knew the word of God she wouldn’t be breaking another family to make a family. Going to church doesn’t make one loving and obeying God but portray him/herself as a religious person which is very different being led by the Holy Spirit. It’s sad and disgusting how people use God as a cover up.

  6. E

    It a pity you were happy to stay away from him when he was married. I can't stand the woman.

  7. Patricia Palmer

    I will never forget that cozy Trump family Christmas ski trip, Marla stashed in condo there and Ivana publicly broadsided, the whole sordid mess splashed across every form of media worldwide. Sorry, Marla, bad form.

  8. Wana Riddick

    Interesting how most of people here especially women come for Marla. 🥴
    Is Trump who made the vows to Ivana. Not marla. Face your husbands ladies not the other woman. I am not saying what she did is right. She is just bad as Trump. But Trump made those vows to Ivana, so it was his fault for destroying their marriage

  9. Shawn Huff

    Donald Trump couldn't get it up any more that's why they divorced

  10. Judy K

    she claims a firm belief in God ,but then why did she break up a marriage he was still married if she believed in God's teachings he tells us not to lay with another man so she did not know his teachings she closed a blind eye like so many of us do to God & His Word

  11. LISA B.

    She has such a firm belief in God, she dated a married man. A true Southern belle, mention religion and that wipes away any wrongdoings. Family values and spiritual growth was her thing. Those must be the earth-shattering answers she gave as a contestant in beauty pageants. To confront his wife was so classless. It was disgusting.

  12. Yoly Booty

    Marla didn’t respect Donald Trump married with Ivana, because she was interesting 🤔 I. Trump’s money and obviously 🙄 she got a child with him, to trap him and use her daughter as a second lottery, but she forgot that whoever destroy a marriage has to pay the karma, Donald Trump got married again with MELANIE now.
    Maples is still single now, because not man since she divorced Trump took her in serious.
    Shocks me to heard, that she openly talk about her spirituality and values, and she does the completely opposite, it looks like that she hasn’t fear of God.
    She was playing a game there and she continuing doing that, what a bad example for her daughter, I feel for this girl 👧.

  13. yolanda neely

    After Ivana Donald married down.
    Ivana had everything going intelligence, elegance she was a beautiful woman with great values and morals
    God Bless her🙏

  14. Anita Lloyd

    She is a woman of God having a relationship with a married man and wrecks his home. Ok………..

  15. Nina Jhun

    Respectfully – Georgia Peach crossed the Standard Morally Boarder to have LUST FULL Relationship with a MARRIED MAN. Bottom LINE, her actions were NOT of Christian VALUES. Let's ALL stay in the TRUTH of Marla Life.

  16. Rob M.

    Funny now he has a plan. Here’s a scenario. A plague gets released into your country and 1 million people die. And you had no plan or guidance. More people died during his presidency than all modern wars combined. But now he has a plan. Truly a clown.

  17. jenny garcia

    Did he lie? no, but it is mostly in demoRat controlled states!

  18. Nikolia bravachkia

    Yes hide the problem…. i may be wrong but isnt that what we have been doing this whole time and are now realizing it doesnt work?

  19. Moose Moose

    it's true. you can't walk down the street without seeing some drug addicted bum. i hate to say it, but he is right and it is a problem that must be dealt with.

  20. The Wolf

    Not a fan of Trump, but he makes very valid points here. It’s basic common sense.

  21. Hello man

    No No No Let the homeless have a place to sleep.

  22. Jan Sudmann

    It is exactly this type of person who supports the problem with drugs and earns from it!!! Every American should realize this!!!

  23. Stephen Carroll

    Is this sociopath now scapegoating an even more vulnerable group than illegal aliens. What this a hole doesn't recognize is that those people in the street are Americans some even vote! Simply put them in the mental institutions, which no longer exist, prison or make them go away. Is he giving the dog whistle to his minions to take matter into their own hands and find a "solution"? Do we do what the Chinese do exterminate drug dealers and addicts? We know this guy is unchristian, but also unAmerican . What group of fools would sit and listen to this egomaniacs dangerous drivel?

  24. it's me Will

    Dt needs to go to jail for his failed attempts to turn America in to a dictatorship <3

  25. ipressedabutton

    half his cabinet are documented criminals, half of the cesspool is him,

  26. Stabilis88

    He's correct as always.

    Truth hurts doesn't it….

  27. hastdumalfeuer

    Funny, a lifetime criminal complaints about crimes.

  28. leslie barwick

    Death penalty sentence from a quick trial for drug dealers? What quick trial death penalty sentence for those who try to hold a country hostage? For those who would blatantly ignore the will of the people and try to usurp power by claiming the election was stolen? A man who idolizes the leadership styles of dictators who imprison or kill those who oppose them? That is far more egregious than someone hustling drugs on the corner selling to willing addicts or whatever.

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