Where is Jack Ma?

Where is Jack Ma?
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Where is Jack Ma?

Jack Ma, one of the most famous people in China, who loved the spotlight and was treated like a rockstar, who shared his every move on social media, is basically gone.

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20 comentarios

  1. Perm Soonsawad

    He’s in China in a remote place controlled by soldiers/polices. No one inside wants to associate themselves with him. He’s only allowed to come out and talk 1-2 times per year based on a script from Chinese gov. He’ll never live a normal life again.

  2. Aquafishsoup

    Jack Ma was super rich, should of had an escape plan. Even me with my $5 bank account has a drill bit hiding in my rented apartment.

  3. pi man

    Basically what happened to that Peng Shuai.
    When will this CCP psychopaths go to hell.

  4. Ngirchoskar Ngirchoskar

    There you go, when the collective can't handle the success of the one, you dim the light of innovation. We have to learn to celebrate each others wins.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous

    It’s the Chinese government, what do you expect. Borderline nazis

  6. Miss Miss

    It’s a warning to the world, can’t stop China no matter how rich u think u r billionaires was cleared away like tree for the government of China soon to the world

  7. Akhlaq Ahmad

    Why can’t people mind their own business? West is buried in interest based economy and heavy tax system. A common man is suffering and yet we are worried about a Chinese billionaire. Wake up guys?

  8. Bastian Cooper-Queen

    Be chinese, successfull, create your company, have ties with CCP…and fear them to appropriate your too profitable business…..CCP greed is as deep as Mariana's pit ! Enjoy…next life, in CCP's name ! Amen

  9. Heart & Mind

    Jack ma gives job to the Chinese people, increases the country's revenue and even exports Chinese culture through business. Why will China harm him?

  10. N K

    Winnie the Pooh is so messed up. The way they act reminds me of a modern Tang Dynasty or some shit.

  11. J. McConnell

    Hold on forget fake Gucci handbags. I need ten kilos of fentanyl 20 kilos synthetic Kush. What do I do with my Bitcoin now?

  12. Julia Ramoy

    its sad people in china should not have to live in fear. CCP has got to go.

  13. Southern C

    And Bernie wants a communist USA. Socialists and communists are living in a fantasy world.

  14. SumTingWong

    This sadly is our reality in China. My entire family disappeared 10yrs ago and have not heard drom them since.

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