Whats up at Kickstart? – Kung Fury

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A new segment i wanted to start, where i show projects ppl are making that you might have missed out on 🙂 It will mostly be game related stuff, but to kick it off, i just had to take a coming Movie being made in Sweden! KUNG FURY! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kungfury/kung-fury?ref=home_location
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Kung Fury is back and he is ready to conquer the world with his old friends and with the one and only, David Hasselhoff!

The game is coming soon for the Nintendo Switch. Grab a joy con and play with your friend. Teamwork makes the dreamwork ✨🕹💪🏼
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20 comentarios

  1. Derreck Foreal

    We are making movie magic if you have anymore questions search paul IMDB

  2. Chapit Zulkefli

    hey, when the ultimate edition will be available on steam to be purchased? thanks 😀

  3. Jesus 1982

    This STILL isn't here !?!?!?!?! Why do games that I get excited for keep fading away into nothingness?

  4. Gorila Sentrom

    I hope the taekwondo game can be fixed soon by including our name, why do you give up easily I hope the taekwondo game can be improved I really hope

  5. EpicNOAH

    Is it still coming? Sorry thank you for all the hard work and dedication ❤️🙂

  6. Enrique Pinero

    When can we expect to see this game and how much will it be? Need to plan my purchases and would appreciated the info.

  7. Ismail

    I tried to look for this game on PS4, apparently some sources say it's on PS4, but I can't find it for some reason. Did you guys remove it or something?

  8. Nekotaku TV

    Missed opportunity to use have NES/SNES controller support (maybe it does have it) and use it in the trailer.

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