Warren Buffett: The BEST investment during inflation

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Warren Buffett talks about how people can never have to worry about inflation again. At 92 years old, Buffett has lived through periods of high inflation and rising interest rates and he knows a thing or two about inflation, investing, and building wealth. He was asked what the best investment was for inflation at a Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting.

Inflation and the economy is top of mind for many investors in 2022 and going into 2023. How to invest during inflation is a question many investors have. Inflation continues to be elevated a multigenerational high. In order to combat inflation, the Fed (led by Jerome Powell) is increasing interest rates quickly.

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20 comentarios

  1. GhostZodick

    Buffet said you should invest in yourself.
    Saved you the whole video.

  2. Good Toons

    Invest in the best company that provides whats essential

  3. Debra Merritt oubre

    Stock trading is the buying and selling of a company’s shares with an aim to make a profit. When you buy shares in a company you own a small part of that company, and the value of your investment will change as the company’s share price moves up and down.

  4. Maureen

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  5. Kate Burey

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  6. The Panache King!

    Is this a good time to buy stocks? I know everyone is saying stocks are at a discount and all, but just how long will It take for us to recover, obviously there are strategies to maneuver in this present market but these strategies doesn't come common to the average folk, or am I better off putting my money elsewhere?

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  8. Jon Peters

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  10. Filippos Alexakis

    spent 10k hours on something I'm good at still not making money haha xd BUT maybe one day

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  12. Maribeth All

    I wish Warren Buffett would run for President

  13. Teslas Are Rare

    I've seen this video too many times. This is a shot in the dark but really how can one enlist services of a licensed advisor? I’m retiring in 6 months. I see these comments but I can see through them. I am stuck on deciding where/when to reinvest so I can plan for retirement without losing due to inflation with a huge cash position.

  14. นฤมล จงสวัสดิ์

    Restock price zero rate in discount sale of demand free buy free sale free vat why no save rent why up vat?

  15. นฤมล จงสวัสดิ์

    Restock price finance zero rate price in product use detail rate in standard product long crash zero crash in save refinance borrow rate in demand stock of federal price in discount dale why borrow?

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