The Crowdfunding Opportunity feat. Louis Foreman

The Crowdfunding Opportunity feat. Louis Foreman
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The Crowdfunding Opportunity feat. Louis Foreman

How are the opportunities to bring a product to market different in 2020 than they were in the past? What do entrepreneur-inventors need to know about crowdfunding? Is crowdfunding a good fit for your product idea?

Louis Foreman leads the strategic vision for all divisions at Enventys Partners, bringing exceptional expertise around intellectual property, open innovation, and entrepreneurship. Over the past 20 years, Louis has created 9 successful start-ups and has been directly responsible for the creation of over 20 others. A prolific inventor, he is the inventor on 10 registered US patents, and his team is responsible for the development and monetization of well over 700 more.
A full-service product launch company that handles all aspects of product development, crowdfunding and ecommerce marketing.

In recent years, he’s been called upon by Congress to share his point of view on patent reform, and by major media outlets for his insights and commentary on entrepreneurship. Louis’ passion for innovation extends to America’s next generation, and he frequently addresses schools and universities to encourage students of all ages to embrace entrepreneurship and innovation. You may also know him from the Emmy-award winning show Everyday Edisons, which had four seasons, or the thriving inventor community Edison Nation.

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Stephen Key interviews Louis about his history as an entrepreneur and thanks him for paying it forward to the inventing community very consistently for a long time.

Stephen Key and Andrew Krauss are the world’s leading experts on how to license a product idea. If you have an invention idea, this is the show to watch. Steve and Andrew are the cofounders of inventRight, a coaching program that has helped people from more than 60 countries license their ideas for new products. Visit for more information and to join the one-one-one coaching program.

If you have questions about how to invent, how to be creative, design, how to do market research, prototyping, manufacturing, negotiating, pitching, how to sell, how to cold call, how to reach out to open innovation companies, licensing agreements, non-disclosure agreements, patents, copyright, trademarks, and intellectual property in general — subscribe to inventRightTV! New videos every week, including tons of entrepreneur success stories.

Inventing can be lonely, but you don’t have to go it alone! Join the inventRight community for priceless inventor education, mentorship, support, accountability, hand-holding, honesty about the invention industry, and so much more.

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This is the book you need to license your product idea: “One Simple Idea: Turn Your Dreams Into a Licensing Goldmine While Letting Others Do the Work.” Find it here:

This is the book you need to file a well-written provisional patent application: “Sell Your Ideas With or Without a Patent.” Find it here:

Determined to become a professional inventor? Read Stephen’s new book «Become a Professional Inventor: The Insider’s Guide to Companies Looking For Ideas»:

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9 comentarios

  1. First Principles Thinker

    Many who do crowdfunding did not patent their inventions. Why do they not file a provisional at least? Foreign countries would surely do a daily check what products are launched on crowdfunding platforms and just copy the product. So i do not understand why crowdfunding works. Crowd Funding = Public Disclosure

  2. Kurt S.

    The difference between socialism and "democratic socialism" is just like the difference between murder and suicide. Just because they put the gun on the table and try to convince you it's a good idea, doesn't make the result any different. Most communist regimes initially got into power with a vote (combined with fraud to be sure) where some people were convinced that it was a good idea. That's what CNN and their co-conspirators are working toward now.

  3. savepod

    great video Stephen, amazing high caliper guest! took away a lot from this. thank you.

  4. Alex Reid

    Thanks again for repeating your giveaway competition this year. My wife and I filmed something that was bang on 1 minute but WOW was that tough editing it down. Original video had a paddleboard scene, me fighting a black bear with bear spray, a subplot involving being stalked by Bigfoot (for which I made a bigfoot print on my bandsaw then stomped around the forest making prints), me 80ft up a tree, my wife tucking me into bed with all of Stephen's books ha ha. And…..all of that had to get cut. Good excercise in being brutal with keeping the main thing the main thing and I hope what was left was still somewhat humorous. We had a blast making it. The free editing software we used forced a watermark on the final video and added 4 seconds of promo material on the end but it still came in at 1 minute. Hope y'all have fun watching all the submissions and thanks again for all you do for the community. Blessings.

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