Super Valuable Crowdfunding Tips and Advice

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I’ve spoken with thousands of crowdfunding campaign creators and I think that these three bits of advice are some of the most powerful things that I can say to you, if you’re on the brink of launching a new campaign.

This is crucial information if you’re trying to raise money for a project or personal cause. Whether you’re a nonprofit or an entrepreneur, I think that you’ll find these tips to be helpful!

My goal is to help you surpass your crowdfunding goal and raise more money! If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment on this YouTube video and give it a thumbs up if you liked it.

My podcast:

My blog:

Crowdfunding sites:

Where to get Kickstarter backers:


Hope you enjoyed!

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17 comentarios

  1. Christopher Seymour
  2. Eddie Callan

    Thank you. I need as much good information as quickly as possible. Do you do consulting with people who want to do a crowdfunding campaign?

  3. Atypical Paul

    Love your videos ! I'm going out tomorrow to do some filming for my Indiegogo campaign going to have my dog with me on my scooter going to be great

  4. Lee M.

    My issue is I have no crowd. I have poor social skills which is why I have no support base I'm a recluse. Any tips or just pointless?

  5. Noel 3.0

    I have a question about eggs t.v. platform to use, it's a combination of two really,would love you input ,don't want to publicly reveal yet,if you have the time of you could email me ,I won't take up much of your time and will happily compensate you monetarily or through social share Noel

  6. Noel 3.0

    I have a question about eggs t.v. platform to use, it's a combination of two really,would love you input ,don't want to publicly reveal yet,if you have the time of you could email me ,I won't take up much of your time and will happily compensate you monetarily or through social share Noel

  7. Bonnie Stark

    First day I am viewing your videos.   Great information thank you very much.  Our lil dog just like one of our kids torn his right ACL and needs surgery we cannot afford.  I started a gofundme page I will attach to this comment for you to see and possibly help me as to what am I doing wrong? We have received NO DONATIONS! Over 200 views over 30 shares what is going on? a couple friends said they donated right away when the campaign was started.  Thank you so much!

  8. John Anderson

    Very informative video that I like…..especially about preparing for a campaign launch and advertising heavily during a product campaign in crowdfunding

  9. Ilena Fine

    i am saving money to get new church how can i go about it?

  10. James Bailey

    Is that auto focus, or is your camara person try to create movement? …..just sayin'

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