SEC Registration Exemption: Reg D, 504, 506b, 506c, Regulation Crowdfunding & accredited investors

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To raise startup funding in the U.S. with reasonable legal fees, an entrepreneur must choose an SEC exemption from full SEC registration. This applies whether you are using a convertible note, a SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity), a priced round, or just about any other approach. This video explains the most commonly used exemption options and how they differ.

The most common exemption options are Regulation D («Reg D») and within that the 3 common options are rules 504, 506b and 506c. Another option, under the Title III JOBS Act (crowdfunding for equity) is Regulation Crowdfunding.

This video explains exemption from state blue sky laws, and why that’s important, why a safe harbor rule is helpful, and what an accredited investor is, which exemptions allow for a public offering to investors, and when a «demo day» event is exempted from the public offering restriction.
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18 comentarios

  1. navketan1965

    Sir, Could you suggest few credit unions & small banks actively looking for new business loan customers. Banks are sitting on billion of dollars cash hoard & are getting only 2–3 % on CDs & that is not productive for the banks.Sir, Thank you.

  2. Baird Hall

    Sorry for my language but Steve you are a fucking legend. Thanks for this. Do you have any content specific for launching startups in the crypto/decentralized space?

  3. Sarah Rieger

    Thank you for these videos! I have been searching for some time for more resources for private equity fund creation & management

  4. Phiny Puscas

    That was a very excellent and well-organized presentation! This channel is a true hidden gem. Thanks a ton!

  5. Elijah Parton

    Great overview of all these somewhat complicated exemptions. Thanks for making this video.

  6. Gabe Bautista

    Awesome. I even enjoyed the salsa sound interference 💃🏽 🕺👍🏻

  7. programmedtorun

    Very excellent. Do you have any thoughts/resources on raising angel funding under 506(b) for a crypto project? Seems to make sense to issue convertible shares which can be converted to tokens once our network is developed.

  8. Jonathan Carrera

    Sir. How can we contact you with questions regarding this video?

  9. Electrified

    this was excellent and incredibly helpful, thank you so much!

  10. sage knoll

    The summary at the end even saved me hitting the “back” button to pick up a few nuances I’d missed.

    Well done.

  11. s

    What SEC document does a company need to file when receiving investment? Is it form D?

  12. Bogere Ayub

    What happens when am raising a friends and family round because my parents and friends may not have that much money to be accredited investors , if I decide to raise from them is it illegal with reference to the SEC or the ACC.thanks waiting for your answer.

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