MAJOR: Alibaba CEO Jack Ma Speaks After Meeting with Donald Trump at Trump Tower – FNN

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Alibaba CEO Jack Ma Speaks After Meeting with Donald Trump at Trump Tower.

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20 comentarios

  1. Mutakhir Fatir

    Menderitaaa semuaaa naaa ok biarrrrr sayaaaaaaaaaa
    Biar siapaa ok
    Dari duluh luar dalam ok tidak ada semuaaa poko lahir ok

  2. Mutakhir Fatir

    Semuaa anarkiss kotaa makassar masuk rumah sakit jiwaaa 50 tahun murni di kampung ok…

  3. Pang Xiaobing

    Jack made a mistake that he met with Donald Trump w/o any consent from Chinese leader, apparently this is a fatal meeting to him and its a great pity since he knows well the Chinese political culture.

  4. Kee Koon Ng

    Jack , U are talking too much. Emperor Xi doesn't like you.

  5. ice guy

    I've never seen Trump respecting someone that much on Media lol.

  6. Rogue Ninja

    Jack Ma Alibaba company is for chinese and Jeff Bezos Amazon is for americans

  7. Israel

    Jack is purposely say small. So the the chinese government dont take notice at him. But trump just slipped it out. Lol.
    Anyway, when the man say small business. He mean big. He just very smart.

  8. Alexander quintero

    Always positive el señor trump my respect for this man


    Jack is a very humble person & he is so gentle also.

  10. Titan Auzagculfer

    Why are Asian men shorter than white men in general?
    I keep wondering that questions again and again and now I have the answers:white people are metal element and Asian people are wood element
    The plants,trees never can beat the pieces of iron,steel for sure.
    Metal rules wood according to Chinese 5 basic elements!

  11. Sabtiago Valentina

    Thanks to Mr Carlton Jefferson for helping me earn alot of money after loosing severally

  12. Lam Par

    Trying to build close personal relationship with very high ranking officials in different democratic country to facilitate his business empire expansion around the world, unfortunately, many leaders from the free world are subjected to his sweet demeanor and side offers at the expense of their own people and local industry, sigh!

  13. Philip Wong

    You can tell Trump loves being way taller than him lmao.

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