How to Start a Crowdfunding Campaign

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Learn how to set up a successful «Crowdfunding» campaign.


There is more to crowdfunding than finding the right platform to use. Just watch this video to learn the steps you need to take to prepare for a successful crowdfunding experience.

Take the Complete Crowdfunding Course and get a start-to-finish implementation plan for your crowdfunding campaign.

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20 comentarios

  1. Le Afrika

    Simple and straight forward great informative video 💯

  2. LD Vitali

    First, thank you for this information.
    I found it very organized, as if you were following a bullet point outline.
    The content was so full and I had only thought of about 50% of this, especially about the sites and all the things they may or may not have available.
    Again, thank you for this.

  3. Marty Grace

    Great video my friend and you explained it so simple my 5 year okd could do it. Thank you for just being you and helping us slow folks.

  4. quinxx12

    Can it still be successful even if you start your "company" right at the same time with your campaign, meaning that your social media is empty until then?

  5. Warda Sahtout

    How can we build an impactful story, any suggestions?

  6. Where is Vivienne?

    Very Informative. Thank you for the video.

  7. Dr John Nwankwo

    Can you develop a crowdfunding website for me?

  8. Hush

    My 'team' is me. .-. Oh and my dogs 😀
    I don't know anyone IRL and I have 99 FB friends. = This is going to be hard.

  9. Pascaline Andrey

    Thank you so much for this video!

    Super helpful! Didn't even think of the approval of the project nor the customization of the plateform!

    Writing an activitiy book for kids

  10. David viljoen

    Eveyone is trying this now for easy money sad thing is now ppl are not gonna donate as you don’t know what’s fake and what’s not so ppl that really do need help will no longer get help. Sad thing what ppl turned into to get cash

  11. Jesi Dillon

    Hi there, great vid
    Never wondered what happened if goal was not met.
    Which platforms do u recommended that will not whithhold the money if goal not reached?

    Kisses, Jes

  12. Jonathan C

    i have to watch this another 2 more times. good content. Thank you.

  13. Kai Wilson

    eCrowdFundr is easy to use and track donations by campaign or by fund. You can setup colour scheme preferences for all donation pages or you can customize each and every one. eCrowdFundr pages are clean and the Dashboard as been recently improved to really help monitor donor management such as donors that have upgraded giving, retention rates, activity on recurring donations, etc.

  14. Keith Thomson

    Which platform would you recommend for my church in South Africa ?The church was broken into almost a year ago and many of the artifacts were badly damaged including wooden doors and stained glass windows. We need to raise funds for the installation of a new perimeter fence around the church. Currently we have engaged a private security company to patrol the premises but this is becoming too expensive.

  15. Myra Black

    great advice !i wish i could ask you for some tips and points

  16. Medicine Creek Man Survivalist

    The audience that I am after is rebuilding the waterways around where I live to control animal east run off,chemical run off and rebuild habitat for quail.

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