How To Create A Donation Website Like GOFUNDME – Crowdfunding Plugin For WordPress

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You Can Download The CrowdFunding Plugin here FREE:

Do you want to create a crowdfunding website very similar to ? In this video, ill show you how to create a wordpress donation button so you can have people fundraise your projects for your website

The give plugin helps people do fundraising projects to help people raise mooney on their wordpress websites to help with their projects or just a general donations

The give plugin is a free plugin that you can use, they do have added features that are included but you may use the general version of the plugin for free.

For more tutorials like this or to learn how to make a wordpress website, feel free to go to my website at
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20 comentarios

  1. Marina Sander

    My Beloved in Christ
    I am Mrs Marina Sander.
    In respect to your page I wish to discuss a business proposal with you. contact me via Email if interested
    Mrs. Marina Sander.

  2. mee

    Is it possible to create a same website for different currency

  3. Shoto Todoroki_simp

    I’m making one for saving the strays

  4. Ricardo Pires

    Hello Darrel, hope you are well. I am your Youtube subscriber, I just made my own website following your tips, it was great help watching your videos on how to build your website from scratch. Now, I watched this videos dated October 29th, 2017 called "How To Create A Donation Website Like GOFUNDME – Crowdfunding Plugin For WordPress" and I was wondering whether you can post a video on how to build a second website where you can upload a CSV file and after that, you have a button that shows all figures in charts already set on the same website. Basically, this CSV file shows the accounts number (registered people who donated), the date and the amount. I use DIV theme and I was wondering we can find a plugin that let me upload the file.


    Can we add our bank accounts to recieve funds?

  6. Diamond Nova

    How do I create a superchat duplicate while going live on my website?


    Wilson gofundme is not available on our country India I really like to do it but since it not available I hav no option,my wife is about to have a baby within 4 months we don't have money we live in the city far away from our home town business is not going well I do work as a chef assistant but now eversince the pendamic hit our country we couldn't do a proper saving and now we are verry close to have a baby with no money doctor said normal delevery it will cost us 15k to 20k and if not it will go above 40k to 50k indian rupee and I'm loosing my mind, heard of fundraising thing on web and saw ur video here but this option didn't work, so I'm very worried I don't want more but just base on what doctor suggest I wish there is another way to do a fund rising within this 4 months 🙏

  8. Tony Mark

    Please donate one dollar to help me with my marriage project and form a family. If I don't have the money, help me by spreading my message. Thank you, my friend { Swage Master Card 5285780018932964}

  9. J.S Editing

    আমার কাচে টাকা নাই আমী একটা দোকান দীতাম

  10. sodiq alabi

    Help Help Help Help

    While to many of us it may not sound as much at all, a simple wheelchair to begin with would significantly improve Nicholas’ life style and will help his mother take better care of him, while being able to still attend to her work needs.

    Wheelchair-accessible vans and other modified conversion vehicles can be quite costly. On average, these types of vehicles can cost anywhere from $5,000 on the low end to around $60,000 or more on the high end.

    Children with special needs should have access to safe transportation for numerous reasons, including, medical appointments, therapy, and school, in addition to simply getting from place to place for daily life.

    Why should Nicholas not benefit from a simple tool like this that would help him lead a better life. He’s already been through worse, help us help him go through better times, at least now.

    Together, for Nicholas, we Can. Thank you


  11. Zoughar Yahya

    Hello we hope you are in good health. Name Yahya Moroccan Nationality Age 32 years. Indeed, I am here to stand by me as brothers. I am not here to beg. I have never thought of asking for help or reaching out, but my stopping work for 8 months was enough in my suffering. Hatta the company I worked for went bankrupt due to the virus. My dad is sick with cancer and my family is poor. My father is in pain day and night before my eyes, and I have no way to extract the pain from him. My financial condition is difficult because I stopped working. I have no money to buy my father medicine or feed my poor family. I hope you will stand by me because in urgent need of help, please put my place in your place. And you will see the suffering I suffer. I hope from God and from you that you stand by my side in these circumstances and in this miserable year, the year 2020, which I live in my life. I swear that my father suffers in front of me day and night. I have nothing to do except for tears and this message is for merciful hearts. Email me Wat Saab please and what help, may God reward you with good 00212603189148

  12. Anaisha Paul

    eCrowdFundr is the best platform to create a donation website.

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