For God's Sake Please Listen Carefully "When Everything Collapses This $20 Asset Will Save You"

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For God’s Sake Please Listen Carefully This Is Your Last Chance To Get Rich In Your Life Do This Now
Robert Kiyosaki is a well-known entrepreneur, investor, financial expert, and author of the globally renowned bestseller «Rich Dad Poor Dad,» which is considered the number one personal finance book of all time. Recently Robert gave an interview where he discussed his views on the current economic situation the impending financial crash that he believes will have catastrophic consequences. Robert T Kiyosaki is not a doom and gloom con artist, because he provides his audience with the solution to the problems he highlights. In this interview he discusses how individuals can use the current market turmoil to their advantage and get rich just like he got rich from the 2008 stock market and housing crash. According to Rebert Kiyosaki 2023 is the best year to get rich.
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19 comentarios

  1. Neha Sikh

    I can say now is my life has changed since meeting Rodger Michael Karl. He's helped us become debt-free and save for retirement." I made over 220K during this dip, which made it clear there's more to the market than we average joes know. Having an investment adviser is currently the best course of action, especially for those who are close to making losses..

  2. Oliver Amelia

    You work for 40yrs to have $1m in your retirement, while some people are putting just $10k in a meme coin for just few months and become multi millionaires. if you you don't invest, you're missing out on opportunities to increase your financial worth.

  3. Von Kanon

    Lotta jibber jabber but no actionable steps for the ill-educated investor wannabes. I swear you try to sell me another book about your life stories I’ll puke. Actionables! That’s what we want

  4. Catalin Cristescu

    I am a Romanian and Robert should not praise the Romanians for fighting back communism, because they are not. They are dormant, they do not protest, the politicians can do whatever they want and the people will just sit and do nothing. In moments like these, I am ashamed to be a Romanian. We should all be in the streets like the French, overthrowing our corrupt goverment and holding accountable the politicians who destroyed the only country in the history of the planet that paid its entire foreign debt.

  5. Rod Helms

    You fought for what in nam but have no problem putting Americans on the street

  6. braddeicide

    Oil going up is a good thing, maybe earth will stay habitable a little longer.

  7. Mauricio Collis

    Biden and the communists are destroying America like no tomorrow. They are going all in for your money and your children.

  8. Adlih Kristopher's sister ____________________lI1?

    😡 M U R D E R – E R 😡

  9. Lucas Cordero

    I've seen people make seven-figure profits in both declining and rising markets; it all depends on the information and methods used. There is no doubt that the recession and crisis haven’t benefited some people significantly.

  10. Peter Robbert

    I will forever be indebted to you Ms. dickson, you have changed my entire life. I will continue to preach on your name for the world to hear that you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment. Thank so much Harriet dickson

  11. Chris S

    4:00 this is nothing but a GOP vlog disguised as financial advice. Garbage.

  12. end

    Thầy ơi … thấy thành công không thầy họ cản

  13. Tater

    The creepy jap has been calling for the end of everything every week for years.


    this guy now talks to much about politics! he should run for president of Japan!

  15. The_Yeti

    Go hide from your shadows while my portfolio grows 😎

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