CHARGE! CSU crowdfunding platform video tutorial for project creators

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The first in the state, Colorado State University created the CHARGE! crowdfunding platform, thanks to a partnership with Community Funded LLC. and their Empowered By product. Community Funded is a Fort Collins-based company, founded by CSU alumni. CSU-sponsored programs and registered student organizations are eligible for participation. Once a project has been approved by the Office of Annual Giving, users can find instructions and resources for creating their crowdfunding project at: .

In addition to the documents on our resources page, users can watch the above video which provides step by step instructions for creating your crowdfunding project.

If you have additional questions please visit: .
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Thinking about starting a crowdfunding campaign to fund your venture or your next great idea?

Crowdfunding is an innovative fundraising alternative that marries social media and finance, opening up new options for entrepreneurs to raise capital for their businesses.

Watch this webinar recording by Small Business Majority to learn about how small businesses and entrepreneurs can utilize crowdfunding to fund their ventures. If you are considering whether crowdfunding is right for your business, attend this webinar to learn the nuts and bolts of building an effective campaign.

Topics include:

– An overview of crowdfunding and how it differs from other forms of capital
– Tips to determine whether crowdfunding is right for your business
– Different types of crowdfunding
– Best practices to create a successful campaign
– Helpful tools and resource

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