Building an inclusive Mongolia crowd funding campaign

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Song name: MINT Feat. Amra – Take Me There

0:00 Intro
0:25 Would you date a foreigner?
3:25 Career or Relationship?
6:03 Can Long-Distance Relationships work?
8:22 How to Build a Lasting Relationship?
11:10 Outro
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20 comentarios

  1. Noob

    Wow they seem very honorable. I respect that the stay within their own, that seems so uncommon in the media nowadays.

  2. Thomas Madden

    Many Mongolian women are beautiful. I would happily date one, if they were not on the other side of the planet.

  3. Bilguun De

    Ahh, ene bichleg yg ymr zorilgotoi yund heregtein hhahahaha

  4. Gothicc senpai

    what is best language to learn, just Mongolian?

  5. bxyhxyh

    0:44 here she didn't say "he/she".
    It would be appreciated if you refrain from using unnecessary politics.

  6. Totti Roma

    Mongolian women mix china russia..very exotic women

  7. J Thomas

    Bayaraa, are they're Turkic Peoples in Mongolia like Tuvans and Kazakhs?

  8. Buyanaa

    Mongol busguichuud gadniihantai bolzoh uu? -Aylal juulchlal ch oligtoi hogjoogui, hogjil buurai manai ornii emegteichuudiig, bidnii tuuh l bish bol oorsodtei ni bolzoh ugui talaar ymr ornii humuus ni sonirhohowde. Hun am ch bagatai mongoliinhoo emegteichuudiig gadniihand surtalchilsan l ym hiijdee!!!

  9. seb the panda

    Really good video, please more content, i love mongolia from colombia

  10. Sasha P

    Сайн бна уу? Бичлэг хийсэнд баярлалаа. It can be interesting to see the views of a sample from the population. Та бас монгол хадмал хийж болох уу? (Би таны бичлэг үзээр монгол хэлээ сайжирч оролдож байна, тэгээд хэрэв бичлэгд монгол хадмал нэмсэн бол надад туслах болно). I know it's very time-consuming, so I understand if you can't take on the request. Anyway, cheers for the content.

  11. david jr Locilento

    Great video by the way from the United States Maine always wanted to visit Mongolia

  12. Mahd

    hello bayaraa, I have a question. how wide is the term 'mongol'? does it include all Mongolic speaking groups other than Khalkha such a buryad, oirat and Kalmyk? for example, would buryad people also refer to themselves as 'монголчууд' or just 'бүрядууд'? or both? or does it just depend on the person? thanks.

  13. flightisallright

    Great work getting sincere and insightful answers!

  14. Bilguun11

    Yeah keep marrying foreigners and in 200 years Mongol ethnicity will become extinct and become like the Native Americans or the Romans. There is only 3 million Mongolians in the world, this genetically unique race can easily be diluted by foreigners especially since world population is 8 billion now.

    Beauty of this world is due to the many thousands of unique ethnicities and cultures. When Mongols marry foreigners this culture & race will soon die out. Globalism is not always a good thing.

  15. Chinggis Khuree

    Wow Bayaraa this is excellent! BTW I also enjoyed your vid about the dogs. Somehow I got Covid for Christmas & have not been able to keep up with everyone on YT the way I like. This is an awful disease & if not for my Himalayan lungs, I don't know if I'd still be here! Anyway there is a beautiful Mongol man I have feelings for. He knows who he is & there is really no use in denying it anymore. OMG that took courage to say.

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