7 Insider Secrets To B2B Sales Success

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Learn the secret sauce that leads top sales performers to massive B2B sales success. Be sure to download Marc’s incredible e-book on «25 Tips to Crush Your Sales Goal!» Just go here to get the e-book instantly: http://www.marcwayshak.com/opt1/

In this video, I’m going to show you the seven insider secrets to B2B sales success.

Number one, map out the entire sale. This is so important in the B2B selling space because if you don’t know how your entire sales process is going to work, you’re going to be winging it, you’re going to be all over the place. And the data shows that today’s prospects, in the B2B space, are so much savvier than they were just a few years ago. These are people that have multiple degrees often, and they’re getting sold to all the time.

Number two, attack your entry point. We want to make sure that we know precisely how we’re going to enter into a prospective company. And this is very specific to the B2B space. Because of course, when you’re selling to consumers, there are only one or two consumers in a family realistically. But when you’re talking about a large enterprise or even a small business, there are often a lot of different key actors that you can go into that company by starting that conversation with or engaging in a conversation.

Number three provide real value. This is a huge distinction from today’s world of selling to even just a few years ago. Nowadays, prospects expect salespeople in the B2B space to provide real value in the selling conversation. It’s not enough to have a great product or service. And it’s not enough to ask a couple of good questions. We need to be establishing authority and expertise. And the best way to mainly be providing value upfront is by providing prospects with insight. You as a salesperson, with your experience, having seen many different prospective company’s in this particular space, have a fantastic bird’s eye view of what’s going on in the lives of your prospects.

Number four, don’t try to close. This may go counter to a lot of what we’ve heard over the years and our careers, but in the B2B space, prospects are savvy. They’ve been sold to many, many times. And quite frankly they’ve probably been sold to many times just this past week. And so if we’re using some cheesy, transparent closing technique, they’re going to see that from a mile away. And so the high-pressure closing techniques don’t work anymore. Particularly in the B2B space.

Number five, know their challenges. This is so important in the B2B space. Again, buyers expect that you understand them. That you know what’s going on. And so this is a two-part concept. One is that when we engage prospects in conversations, we need to show that we have some expertise. That we have some insight into what’s going on in their world. But we also don’t want to over assume that we know everything that’s going on in their world. That’s silly, of course, you don’t know everything that’s going on in their world.

Number six, know everyone involved. The latest data shows that the typical B2B, particularly enterprise-level sale, has about seven key decision-makers. And so we can’t just expect that even if you’re selling to the CEO of a company that that person is going to be able to pull the trigger, make the decision, and move on. It’s not that simple anymore. Most even high-level executives are trying to get consensus around the decisions they make. They’re trying to build that consensus so that way all the key people are on board, so that way when they move forward, they know that things are going to happen. And it’s not just leadership by directive, by force. That’s not how business works.

Number seven, always have clear next steps. This is so important. That we are not walking away from any selling interaction without an obvious next step. A clear next step is that you get a scheduled call or a scheduled face-to-face meeting or a scheduled Zoom meeting on the books, in the calendar, a calendar invite goes out from you, and they positively reply to that calendar invite. That is a clear next step.

There are seven insider secrets to B2B sales success. And if you enjoyed this video, then I have an awesome free training on the data-driven approach to help you crush your sales goals. Just click right here to get registered instantly.
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20 comentarios

  1. Tripura Multinational

    Sales Acceleration is how we communicate with customers in a time of crisis? Your ability to have deep, distinct and differentiate conversations is your key to survival.

  2. Urban

    Big like. Thanks for the clear presentation. All the best.

  3. Romaine Athey

    This time I will do it manually with the help of Stodoys designs.

  4. igo0di

    Very good information. I just don't agree on the not closing part. Of course you shouldn't use a transparant corny close, but you have to offer the solution and then say to the customer: so, this is the offer. What do you say? A mistake that a lot of people make is being afraid to close. I agree on everything like identifying their challenges. Though at one point you should make clear how you can help them, and then ask them if they think it all sounds fair enough. Then you go out and start helping them.

  5. Rakesh Jain Official

    I am keen to learn from you. Send me more details on your paid programs

  6. SetfreeT M

    Just found you.Got a new career change into corporate sales with a major leading international brand,so I'm taking your tips..Thank you!

  7. Kafu Print

    Sorry guys, but this video has asbsolutely no value for me. These are only some common sense have to's for a sales guy neede to pass a job interview…

  8. Woffel Man

    Hi. i'm 17 but want to learn more about it, but on the subject of not closing shouldn't you try to get the deal. so if they have more options and they aren't sure shouldn't you try to win them over?

  9. Rodolfo Vitangcol

    Million Dollar Income Potential in Ruvol

    I have invented a Board Game [still unpublished] that is guaranteed to be far more challenging and exciting to play than CHESS. I called it “RUVOL.”

    Over time, Ruvol will surpass chess as the “Number One Board Game in the World.”

    Why am I so sure about this? Because I am an avid chess player myself. I found chess to be so repetitive that any clever player could easily master the moves to a point they could even play against opponents blindfolded. It is for this reason I invented a game where every game is always a new challenge and exciting to play.

    Since Ruvol is yet “unpublished,” I am extra careful in fully disclosing how it is exactly played, lest it might be “plagiarized.” The “BEST PREVIEW” I can give, more than enough to appreciate how the game is played, is as follows:

    1. Ruvol is almost somewhat played like chess. [I invented Ruvol primarily to give chess a direct “apple-to-apple” competition.]
    2. Like chess, Ruvol is a board game for two players.
    3. If the chess board is square in shape containing 64 squares in all, the Ruvol board is rectangular with more number of squares in it.
    4. If each chess player has 16 pieces, each Ruvol player has same number of pieces as well.
    5. If each type of chess piece moves in a distinct way, the Ruvol types of pieces move in distinct ways, too.
    6. If to win the chess game requires tactical skills or strategic thinking, the more the Ruvol requires of it.
    7. If the way to win chess is to checkmate the opponent’s king, the way to win Ruvol is entirely different but far more exciting and challenging.

    In my Google search, I learned there are around 800 million chess players in the world. These 800 million players comprise the “Total Potential Buyers” of Ruvol across the globe. At an average profit of just US$5 per set, the “Global Income Potential” of Ruvol then is US$4 billion. Assuming only 1% of it will buy each year, the annual global potential sale is US$40M.


    For the reason that I don’t have enough resources to produce, distribute, and market Ruvol on a global scale, I find it “wiser” to simply sell my copyright.

    If you are interested to buy my copyright, email me your BEST PRICE OFFER—[the copyright going to one with the highest reasonable bid]. Or if you know someone willing to buy my copyright, you are entitled to a 10% commission.

    On the other hand, if you have a “much better option” in mind than what I am proposing here, don’t hesitate to let me know.

    Thanks and God bless.

    The Ruvol Inventor


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  12. Surastini Suras

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