10 SECRETS to Develop the MILLIONAIRE Mindset | T. Harv Eker Success Rules

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He’s an author, businessman and motivational speaker known for his theories on wealth and motivation.

He’s the author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind which appeared on the New York Times bestseller list and was #1 on the Wall Street Journal’s business-book list.

He founded the seminar company, Peak Potentials Training.

He’s T. Harv Eker, and here are his Top 10 Rules for Success.

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1. You are the root of your success
He was born in Toronto, Ontario Canada and lived there through his childhood.

2. Be willing to be uncomfortable
As a young adult, Eker moved to America and started over a dozen different companies before having success with a retail fitness store.

3. Focus on solving problems
After reportedly making millions through a chain of fitness stores and subsequently losing his fortune through mismanagement, he started analyzing the relationships rich people have with their money.

4. Learn to handle what you already got
His writing and speaking often focus on his concept of the «Millionaire Mind,» a collection of «mental attitudes that facilitate wealth».

5. Invest in yourself
He says we each possess a «financial blueprint,» or an «internal script that dictates how we relate to money,» and that by changing this blueprint we can change our ability to accumulate wealth.

6. Play to win
He believes that people unwilling to make major sacrifices in order to succeed «play the role» of the victim and deny that they have control of their own situations.

7. Do the easy things in life
Another theory of his is that guilt prevents seeking wealth and that «thinking about wealth as a means to help others» relieves this guilt and enables wealth accumulation.

8. Learn from successful people
In his book, Eker lists 17 ways in which the financial blueprints of the rich differ from those of the poor and the middle-class.

9. Every master was once a disaster
He argues that: Rich people believe, «I create my life», while poor people believe, «Life happens to me»

10. Don’t forget to wear your awesome glasses
He has also written a self-published book titled SpeedWealth.



Jeff Semper Fi:
Hey Evan, can you make a video about T. Harv Eker?

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40 comentarios


    I wear my Awesome Glasse; so I am AWESOME!

  2. andrew shum

    I love the way we see things you're awesome. Put in the spectacle awesome😎💪

  3. David Jasse

    This guy is unbelievable, under rated. His book is worth a million dollars!

  4. Othmane MEZIAN

    Thanks Evan for sharing those gems of wisdom.. greetings from Morocco

  5. Kenison

    Yes ! My awesome glasses are on….I am focused on solving a problem ….And , I will be sure to work on "handling" what I currently have , so I can grow in all directions.

  6. bonglokta

    T. Harv Eker's

    1) You are the root of your success.

    2) Be willing to be uncomfortable.

    3) Focus on solving problems.

    4) Learn to handle what you already got.

    5) Invest in yourself.

    6) Play to win.

    7) Do the easy things in life.

    8) Learn from successful people.

    9) Every master was once a disaster.

    10)Don't forget to wear your awesome glasses.

  7. FeelGood Within

    Yep you don't get the Fruit same day you plant the seed. Everything takes time 👏💃 yep Easy things are more important 👌

  8. Felicia Lartey

    I took the Quantum Leap from T Harv Eker because of covid 19 there is no seminars but online i take my advantage of it. Hé is one of the best teachers!

  9. Michael Ray

    I’m reading the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind now.. # 3 focus on solving problems is my Favorite

  10. Neo Ssk

    🤯I cant believe how underrated is this Video is totally and insanely underrated

  11. Boosted Pastime

    I really needed to hear that growing your roots part. It really helps with patience.

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  13. Bruno Müller

    I pray whoever reads this should become successful. keep fighting for success. the rich stay rich by spending like the poor and investing why the poor stay poor and be spending like the rich yet not investing. Roar! Invest earn and be successful.

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