The 8 Millionaire Blocks Masterclass Preparation | T. Harv Eker

The 8 Millionaire Blocks Masterclass Preparation | T. Harv Eker
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The 8 Millionaire Blocks Masterclass Preparation | T. Harv Eker

We are putting on our biggest ever masterclass on wealth and spirituality – with our biggest ever author – T. Harv Eker! Learn how to play the spiritual game of money and become kind, balanced, generous, peaceful and rich with his new Free Masterclass:


00:30 How to be a spiritual person and become rich at the same time
01:27 Story of Eker’s Life
04:43 Spirituality is the tool to reshape your financial life
06:59 What are the benefits of this MasterClass




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Are you living the life you really want to be living? Are you living your dream life? If not, you aren’t alone. I’d say a good 90% of you probably aren’t living your dream life. So here’s a good question, have you ever asked yourself why not?

Why aren’t you the living your dream life?

In this short video, T. Harv Eker explores the major reasons why most people never reach the level of success they really want… and the surprisingly simple way they can close the gap.


At Harv Eker International, you’ll learn how to overcome your limiting beliefs around money and wealth so you can become financially free in your chosen career path.

Ready to start building wealth? Get our free trainings here:

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28 comentarios

  1. Mindvalley

    Learn new ways of enhancing your mind, body, performance, and relationships from the world’s best teachers in personal growth. Subscribe to our YouTube channel here:

  2. Mauro Diez de la Lastra

    Hola. No veo la masterclass de Harv Eker. ¿Podrían poner bien el link para acceder?.
    Muchas gracias.

  3. Tom Washington Jr

    Thanks T Harv … love your stuff ❤️ Thank you 🙏🏽

  4. Nurlatifah Mohdnor

    Ko-dok = toad

    Rat = ti-kus

    1 ADP
    2 FADV
    3 EEO
    4 ADA

    Page 225

    The Polygraph and Honesty Testing.

    Polygraph = lie detector

  5. Tarun Wadhwani

    I feel the same like you sir, its my career path and can't able to understand my way of path. Time to change.

  6. Wolf Beam

    Shut up. No one gives a damn. "Oh, hey, you're spiritual, but you want some mooooooneeeeeyyyy? Okay.." Waves carrot in face. These money making ads just feel insulting to me, personally.

  7. Spacecowboyable

    money should not exists at a global level…money are the root of all problems…and either thinking only to money it does disconnect your soul from your higher self … wake up

  8. Marie Savannah

    What do you do when God say you cant serve two master God has his way to bless people if the follow what Mathew6;33 says seek first the kingdom of God and hie righteousness and all these hings shall be added unto you. In Malachi 3:8-9 says you have rob me in tithe and offering Ye are cursed with a cursed for ye have robbed me. I believe our sinful nature want to be rich in his own way we dont want to follow God way that's why we are poor the danger of being filfy rich you might end up like the rich young ruler who couldn't follow the lord because he has too much riches.I rather be poor materially and be rich spiritually than being rich materially and loose eternal life that why Jesus say if any man ant to follow me le him DENY himself take up his cross and follow me

  9. Kathy Coke

    I missed the class last week. Have my workbook and ready. May I have a replay of the 8 millionaire blocks? God Bless YOu!

  10. OCULUS

    Nooo, I'm late, I just found the video now… 3 days late 🙁

  11. Alizza Bliss

    Listening to Harv, I suddenly realized I've been stepping on my own foot. I complain about being broke all the time but will also say I dont care about money or being paid for my services. I say "I dont care if a get paid for this service or make money off this book as long as I'm helping others." Meanwhile, I'm drowning in debt and can barely make it through the month. On top of that, how many people am I actually helping if I'm not selling my services or products?

    Yes, I still want to help others but I also need to help myself. If I dont take care of my needs first, I'm not gonna be able to help as many people as I could.

  12. YaHoWah Christian

    Just as killing somebody ELSE's family, in order, to feed one's OWN family, do NOT make killing, a non-sinful method, therefore, using money, to show kindness, to others, do NOT make the monetary system, a non-sinful method too, because, if, it is, the otherwise, then, the GOD, who had said what, was said in Zephaniah 1: 18 of the Christian Bible, where the whole world, will SURELY be destroyed, for HAVING money, MUST be stupid? Altruism [Psalm 23: 1], is, the ABSENCE of ALL needs, & thus, HAVING ANY NEED [namely, wanting any need], is, a EVIL activity, because, altruism is good, & there is NO such thing as a half pregnancy; but, all praise, ONLY be, to YHWH [Zechariah 14: 9 (NIV), Isaiah 42: 8, Exodus 9: 16, Exodus 23: 13, 1 Chronicles 16: 26, Matthew 1: 21], because, ALL sin, BELONG to the ACCURSED CHRIST of Galatians 3: 13?

  13. Dhyana

    Well, once again, the concept has already been practiced forever in Hinduism. Of course, proselytizing(Abrahamic religions) criticized and trashed Hinduism for it. Now people come out and say that as if it is a newly realized concept. Hindus also have powerful mantras to attract wealth, a goddess who represents wealth etc. Another reason why it bothers me that VL puts all beliefs in one basket and talks about them as if they are all equal.

  14. T Harv Eker

    What's holding you back from living your dream life?

  15. Jared Yoder

    life is not short, life is eternal, i am eternal life, use better affirmations

  16. Jared Yoder

    Hi Tharv, that was one of my favorite books, thanks:) I also went to millionaire mind event a couple times

  17. Sg Ambikesh Personal Vid

    बहुत ही अच्छा वीडियो रहता है आपकी।आपके पुस्तक मैंने पढ़ा है यदि आप वीडियो हिंदी में डब करवाएं तो भारत में आपको देखने वालों की संख्या बहुत ज्यादा रहेगी आपके सब्सक्राइबर मिलियन में रहेंगे और विदेश के जगह पर भारत में आपके ज्यादा पापुलैरिटी रहेगी।

  18. youri jevriend

    how to get your dream life
    1 strong mindset
    2 netwerk with succes and happy people
    3 make your goals
    4 reasons for why you have pain
    5 reasons for the vision you want, i call it the sexy vision
    6 make it
    7 keep it
    8 multiply it as for happines and succes as money you have to manage

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