Steve Jobs – Courage

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This is a clip from the D8 Conference, recorded in 2010.
Steve Jobs is talking about the courage it takes to remove certain pieces of technology from Apple products. This happened after the iPad was introduced without support for Flash, just as the iPhone, back in 2007.

This clip adds some perspective into the debate of Apple’s new AirPod and the decision to remove the traditional analog audio connector from the iPhone 7. This kind of decision is not new to Apple.

The interview occurred 6 years ago, and Steve Jobs was already using the word «courage» to explain why the company does things the way it does.

If you’re into motion-graphics, and want to know a bit more on how to work with it, check it my latest tutorial on After Effects and easings:

«It honours those people who has changed the world. Some of them are living. Some of them are not. But the ones who aren’t … as you’ll see … that if they ever used a computer, it would have been a Mac.»

When Steve Jobs came back to Apple 1996, the company was in a horrible state. It had to be rebuild, rebranded and reinstated in peoples minds — what Apple was about and what they stood for.
And so in 1997 they started the «Think different» campaign and that made an allmost miraculous turnover.

Since then Apple has skyrocketed!

Enjoy graphics, videos and marketing products — all produced on a Mac — here:


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40 comentarios

  1. Mr know It All

    This is why this man is legend he was doing all this and he knew he was close to his demise rest in peace to a true American hero


    Apple fired Steve YT pran(3) Steve fired employee(4) tata fired employee

  3. Buddy Bruh

    It's sad that the dip shitter (Phil shilled) didn't get him

  4. Afdhalu zikri abdullah

    He made a enormous impact to the world ..whatever his doing ..create somethings and he just talk either..his like prophet of technology and human postive energy

  5. alleygh0st

    "We have the courage of giving less and less options to the customer and charge more and more and see how it plays out. The public is buying! Good thing they see it our way."

  6. omi god

    "We want to make the BEST PRODUCT IN THE WORLD for customers," so that's why we don't ship our products with a power supply!

  7. Mian Muneeb Iftikhar

    What a magnificent marketing expert, he was

  8. Petr Machane

    Bla bla bla, We all know apple is not everything 😛

  9. Treshan Remolano

    Steve's right. Removing some things will be replaced with newer technologies in newer products (headphone jacks omitted on iPhones, others follow or optical drives omitted on MacBook Air, again other followed in other laptops today). No debate here, because headphone jack is useful sometimes, but for me, it's the future by using it wirelessly.

  10. Kushal Sharma

    These are the people who bring change the people which feel sick by not doing anything they have obsession to change the world to challenge god

  11. Happydayao

    Apple now just comes out with a new iPhone every year just making it more expensive and that's what they base there value on , how expensive it is plus there customer service is garbage, I'd love to see jobs come back just to destroy everyone in that company now

  12. Lost Soul

    People wearing shorts everywhere are impactful 😌

  13. Akash Malhotra

    The guy created his own universe, a company bigger than many countries. A revolution that changed the tech market forever.

  14. nining setia

    Rainbow Nike
    Bata capital city
    East and south Jakarta

  15. Shane Hurley

    Share holder companies and even most larger privately held companies do not look for, or approve of, the type of person/employee/leader described in the marketing video Jobs presents in his presentation….or even his dress code lol. Just look at the profile pics on Linkedin, most have to fit into the status quo. Your Apple and SpaceX companies only come along when this type of person/unicorn breaks through the system and creates a successful company. Even Apple kicked Jobs out for a while for being the type of person described in the video, hence part of the reason he made it I'm sure…. just goes to show how true this is. It will always be this way, because there just aren't enough people in the world who have this unique makeup/vision/way of thinking who make it to the point Jobs, Musk, etc… did/have. But, the stars do occasionally align, and one of these unicorns make it out of the corporate innovation sucking systems we have it place, and change the future on an accelerated path. Hats off to those described in this video!

  16. Joe Whitehead

    Watching the Steve Jobs movie on my Apple MacBook Pro as I type this on my Apple iPhone

  17. muhammad aniq al-araaf

    for me this is miracles sub-ideas by Steve job, the job and core values keeps growing , and steve has died.
    So much valuable lesson. it touch the souls of the heart, people should be nicely and think different.

    Adios steve job, may god bless u in a good and badways , only GOD know what is the best for us. and for us era.
    so much to say even , i guess more than 20 times watching this , even from 2017-2018 .
    im a sophicated user iPhone from iPhone 5 series, nicely job. even when im down, i will still. watch this and feel alive back, in such so many ways. miracle and magic.

  18. Kokoro Yamada

    Steve Jobs is the most honest and genuine CEO. He is living in our heart forever.

  19. Mani Raj Joshi

    The last amazing lines
    Here's to the Crazy ones
    The misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, round pegs in a square holes Who wants to see things differently. They are not fond of the rules and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them but you can't ignore them; that the only thing you can't do is ignore them. because they change things. They push the Human race forward and while some may see them as the crazy ones. But the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do.

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