20 consejos motivadores de empresarios exitosos que pueden cambiar tu vida

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Si tienes espíritu emprendedor, pero aún sientes miedo a fracasar, no dejes que te abrume este pensamiento, sáltate esos temores y comienza a tomar acciones. Ahora te traemos los 20 mejores consejos motivadores de empresarios exitosos que pueden cambiar tu vida.
Revisa el artículo aquí: https://bit.ly/2wqVWQw
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Elon Musk discusses his new project digging tunnels under LA, the latest from Tesla and SpaceX and his motivation for building a future on Mars in conversation with TED’s Head Curator, Chris Anderson.

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27 comentarios

  1. David Guauque F

    Amigo cual es el negocio que mas dinero te genera y perdón por la pregunta si suena muy entrometida

  2. Hernando Londoño


  3. Migda Rodriguez

    Gran trabajo amigo…muy interesante…voy a trabajar en función a lo que estoy atendiendo con usted..

  4. Hector Checho Fuentes

    Son increibles tus informes. Saludos.

  5. 성은 홍이름은 길동이라 하오


  6. roslyn taber

    Its just the so genius and so brillant Elon Musk…

  7. Jaime Patino

    And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the
    mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his

    18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding
    count the number of the beast: for it is the number
    of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore
    and six

  8. Cosmic Warrior Princess Harmony

    Elon talking about probabilities – True Cosmic Master

  9. Cosmic Warrior Princess Harmony

    The way Chris says 'outrageous rocket' with a certain note of awe in his voice. 😂😂😂
    A far cry from the naysayers.

  10. Cosmic Warrior Princess Harmony

    That comment about getting money from The Israeli military for tunnel sensors always catches me off-guard. Every time 😂😂

  11. Dr. Michael Mills, Phd. Esq.

    Why is every little science announcer want to be geek always have the super S problem and is always extra gay? You don't have to lick the pole or lick a hole to be a reporter buddy


    yes i know that there needs to be a dictator at times as DICKHEADS EXIST, but when that dictator is jeapordising our kids and grankids then someone needs to question if thats the right thing


    would Elon agree to an interview while on a lie detector device both he and the interviewer with very well thought out questions that would ultimately give us the rest of humanity a very clear knowledge of his true intentions, not being rude please forgive me but a person with nothing to hide and has only true intentions would welcome a way to finally express everything that would beyond reasonable doubt prove what he is saying is actually what he is saying, why dont the rest of the world get a say in whats happening and what he does… what ever happened to democracy because as it stands its like its being dictated to us what will happen and not explained before the fact and we have no choice, he is a genius and i believe he is doing good but only for a minority of 1 million people that he will save and the rest of us do not matter….

  14. Ijaz Durrani

    "Think of the Future and Don't be SAD" is a great statement by the most ingenious innovator ever!!

  15. John Macdonald

    Elon energy is brilliant I could conversation all day with him on theories etc

  16. Jamerious

    Garry the snail from South park 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  17. Mr Black

    yo doogie howzer guy why with the philosopy
    but im not going to type it ok
    spell check

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