🤿 Robinson Crusoe Collectors Edition & Book of Adventures | Gamefound Board Game Deep Dive

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Everything you need to know before backing Robinson Crusoe Collectors Edition & Book of Adventures!
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########### RELATED LINKS
My Current Design for Spyglass (need to do some testing before providing STL): https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/799766589137879110/829550402281144340/unknown.png?width=1118&height=683
Cost Comparison Spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17uNKxFdDLQJxDuCTkQbFI-ryRSXFS2CAbXU_meI1B5s/edit?usp=sharing
Game Coverage @Watch It Played https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1b__PzNtWxI
Version Changes: https://imgcdn.gamefound.com/richtextimage/richtext/ebca2c3e-f522-4971-9800-c2a3ec376374.jpg
Geek-Up Set: https://boardgamegeekstore.com/products/geekup-bit-set-robinson-crusoe

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0:00 Intro
0:20 Robinson Crusoe Overview
0:48 Base Scenarios
2:00 Campaign Overview
2:53 What’s New?
3:48 Supported Languages
4:14 Shipping Fees
4:34 Big Box Storage Solution
4:55 CE: Differences
6:15 CE: Friday Recast
6:24 CE: Daily Unlocks
8:33 BoA: Overview
9:11 BoA: Scenarios
11:00 BoA: Daily Unlocks
12:18 Miniature Issues and Drama
15:51 #nominis
16:11 Add-ons & Other Upgrades
17:03 Pledge vs Retail
18:42 Will I Be Backing?

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#ShelfClutter #KickstarterDeepDive #Boardgames
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20 comentarios

  1. ShelfClutter

    Just realized that I talk just slow enough that 1.5 is the perfect speed 😁

  2. Nienke Fleur Luchtmeijer

    The spyglasses are supposed to be used as legacy-ish elements, you don't just discard them, you destroy them, they're 1-time use over all of your playtroughs combined. If you're not planning to use them as is, you can just grant yourself 5 determination tokens whenever you feel like it and don't need to 3D print something for it; if you are going to use them as intended, 3d printing them seems redundant and probably make it hard to destroy as you're supposed to do.

  3. Stacie (Everdell)

    18:03 I'm sorry but I'm having trouble following your chart on value in regards to the Veteran (Upgrade). The Veteran (Upgrade) (Castaway Veteran Pledge on the campaign) is 85 Euro (currently $123 CA) in the campaign and $328 CA if bought separately/later. How is this the worse value? It looks like quite a savings to me. Thanks!

  4. Stacie (Everdell)

    I am a die hard RC fan, but still, I REALLY wish Portal Games would have made the miniatures an option AND only as a collector's item with a two minis for each character, one male and one female plus the camp (that's pretty cool). This would have reduced the use of plastic as well as cardboard to make a larger box to fit so many minis (reducing the cost and carbon footprint). I ended up going with the Castaway Veterans Pledge for other reasons, however, I only plan to use the miniatures for show. One mini will sit beside the character board, maybe by the camp once it is built. I will still use the tokens in game play because it is just makes more sense. I will probably give my extra set of minis to my sister who has recently started playing and is planning on buying the retail version currently available. Again, even being a big fan, I'm not happy with the extra plastic this is adding and I wish there was another option.

  5. Fraser Skomorowski

    Haha, I recognize those prices! 401 Games! I live 3 hrs north of Toronto.

  6. jpmg

    Bear in mind that the spyglass tokens are meant to be destroyed when used. Literally destroyed. You can't do that with a 3D token.

  7. Christopher Spiesz

    A fellow Canuck, awesome! I really really enjoy this game and am tempted to back the upgrade pack. I have 3D printed a few of the main characters already though these ones look much better. If I do pledge I will also get the wooden dice, it's for the mystery tales expansion. I will pick up the book of adventures via retail.

  8. jim b

    Awesome details. Made me think twice about backing this. Still not sure how I like the game since it has such a small chance to win

  9. Darren H

    Great deep dive! I would be all over this except for the price and the miniatures. If they had a version that had the extras for the adventure book and no mini's (and priced appropriately), I'd be tempted to get it. As it stands, I'm going to have to pass.

  10. Threhane

    Love the deep dive! The miniatures are actually the only thing drawing me to this game, which I otherwise wouldn't take a second look at. Probably still not for me, since cooperative games don't last in my collection. It seems that spending $45 USD to get the game now, at retail, is a good way to go if someone isn't interested in minis.

  11. Forrest Dunton

    The miniatures are the only thing that makes me want to pledge. For me it completely makes the game come to life. But it would be nice if they gave options for people who aren’t into the minis.

  12. Sebastian

    Great coverage. I like how well constructed you go through these pledges. One small note: it says Vindication Core Game Coverage in your subscription, but it needs to be Robeinson Crusoe 2nd Edition.

  13. Joshua Hutchins

    I'm not sure I will back it but I think a much simpler solution would be to use your colored disc to snap onto a miniature you are supporting. That way if there are miniatures then they are taking the action, if any have a support disc then they are supported.

  14. Lotter Winner

    I expected this to be 100-150 shipped not 250 shipped. I may be priced out of this one but It looks like there will be a lot of happy consumers.

  15. Richard L

    There is this stupid concept that if a game is crowdfunding, it needs miniatures.
    This is not true. I've seen far too many games being given miniatures when they are completely unnecessary.

  16. Brandon

    You don't need the Spyglasses and printing them doesn't make sense. They are suppose to be a legacy component. You get in trouble, so you pull out a spyglass and actually tear the cardboard in pieces to get 5 tokens. Buying extra means you could do this 5 times ever. Once you've used the spyglass, you are suppose to never use it again in any other game.

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