Андерсэн Академийн санаачилж буй төсөл (Crowdfunding)

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Хүүхдийг аль болох бага наснаас нь 👧🧒 програм бичүүлж сургах нь тэднийг олон талаар нь хөгжүүлж буй явдал юм. Тэгвэл энэ боломжийг хүүхэд бүхэнд хүргэхээр Андерсен Академи ажиллаж байна.

Иймд та бүхэн ирээдүй хойч үеээ дэмжин Андерсен Академээс хэрэгжүүлэх гэж буй нийгмийн эрхэм зорилготой төсөлд өөрийн хувь нэмрээ оруулаарай 🙂.

Таны дэмжлэг хэзээд багадахгүй. Далайд 🌊 дусал 💦 нэмэр.

Данс: Худалдаа Хөгжлийн банк – 459042109
Дансны нэр: Эйч Си Андэрсэн ХХК

Европын Холбоо болон Австрали улсын Сайн дурын хөтөлбөрийн дэмжлэгтэй хэрэгжиж буй “Бүгд залуусын төлөө, Залуус бүгдийн төлөө” төсөл
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After several years abroad, Khulan Davaadorj returned home to Ulaanbaatar and founded an organic cosmetics company. What hurdles did she have to clear to get her start-up off the ground?

For more go to http://www.dw.com/en/why-fridtjof-detzner-is-exploring-founders-valley/a-39868404
Video Rating: / 5

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3 comentarios

  1. Rodolfo Vitangcol

    Million Dollar Potential in Ruvol

    I have invented a Board Game [still unpublished and not yet out in the market] that is guaranteed to be far more challenging and exciting than CHESS. I called it “RUVOL.”

    Over time, Ruvol will surpass chess as the “Number One Board Game in the World.”

    Why am I so sure about this? Because I am an avid chess player myself. The weakness of chess is it always starts in fixed positions that the opening moves become “memorisable.” In fact, not a few have so mastered the moves that they can play against their opponents “blindfolded.” It’s for this reason I invented Ruvol where every game is always challenging and exciting to play.


    Ruvol is played somewhat like chess. I purposely invented Ruvol to give chess a direct “apple-to-apple” competition.

    Like chess, Ruvol is played by two players. It uses a board that is rectangular in shape but containing more number of squares than chess. Like chess, it has equal number of pieces on each side of the board, where each type of piece moves in distinct ways. However, if the way to win chess is to checkmate the opponent’s king, the way to win Ruvol is to be able to cross a designated line.

    But there’s one biggest advantage Ruvol has over chess that makes Ruvol a very challenging game to play. What is this? Unlike chess, the Ruvol pieces are randomly placed at the start of every game which makes it impossible for any clever player to memorise the moves. Fischer Random Chess, also known as Chess960, likewise introduced a random set up, but with many exceptions. Ruvol is 100% random.

    At present, there is no other board game in the world within the same category of chess “where chess players can switch to.” Chess is totally a monopoly in its class. With the coming of Ruvol, chess has finally found its match!


    In my Google search, I learned there are around 800 million chess players in the world. These 800 million players comprise the “Total Potential Buyers” of Ruvol across the globe. At an average profit of just US$3 per set, the “Global Income Potential” of Ruvol then is US$2.4 billion. Assuming only 1% of it will buy each year, the annual global potential sale is US$24M.


    For the reason that I don’t have the resources to publish Ruvol on a global scale, I find it “wiser” to simply sell my copyright.

    If you’re interested to buy my copyright, email me your BEST PRICE OFFER—[the copyright goes to the most reasonable bid]. My email address is: rodolfovitangcol@gmail.com. [Or perhaps you can help me find a buyer, and I’ll reward you with a commission.]

    Thanks and God bless!

    The Ruvol Inventor

    Early bird catches the worm!

  2. Bobby Wong

    That is a very brave but noble attempt to venture into business. You have indeed set an example for other Mongolians to follow.

  3. Undral uka

    Hey guys you can buy from Amazon and then that products are really worked on my skin care and Lhamour brand is very very organic . Of course that’s not expensive just regular price

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